September 20, 2024 – In a significant victory against cybercrime, Europol has successfully dismantled a major phishing network known as iServer. This international operation, codenamed “Operation Kaerb,” targeted a phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platform that had been exploiting mobile phone credentials on a massive scale.
The iServer platform, primarily operated by Spanish-speaking criminals, was responsible for unlocking over 1.2 million stolen mobile phones and victimizing approximately 483,000 individuals worldwide12. The scheme involved low-skilled criminals, referred to as “unlockers,” who used phishing techniques to steal device passwords, user credentials from cloud-based mobile platforms, and other personal information. This allowed them to bypass security features like Lost Mode and illegally unlock the phones1.
The mastermind behind this operation, an Argentinian national, had been running the phishing service since 2018. He provided access to the iServer platform and offered additional phishing services via SMS, email, or calls, enabling criminals to unlock stolen devices2. The operation led to the arrest of 17 individuals, the execution of 28 searches, and the seizure of 921 items, including mobile phones, electronic gadgets, vehicles, and firearms2.
Countries most affected by this phishing scheme included Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Spain, and Argentina2. The successful takedown of iServer highlights the importance of international cooperation in combating cybercrime and protecting individuals from such malicious activities.
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SEO Keywords: Europol, phishing scheme, mobile phone credentials, iServer, Operation Kaerb, cybercrime, phishing-as-a-service, stolen phones, international cooperation, cybersecurity news.